Welcome to Belhaven and Spott Parish Church

Many congratulations to everyone who took part in Belhaven's annual Christmas Nativity celebration on Sunday 15 December. The show was much enjoyed by everyone in the congregation, and we really appreciate all of the effort that will have gone into making it happen! (Click on any of the photos to enlarge them and have them fill up the screen.)

Welcome to our website, which we hope will give you a flavour of the sorts of things we get up to and the kind of people we are here at Belhaven and Spott Parish Church. We are a Church of Scotland congregation, and as of 1 August 2023, what had previously been the separate congregations of Belhaven and Spott have now come together as one united church.


SUNDAY SERVICE SCHEDULE: We would love for you to visit us if you are in the area our normal weekly worship services are on Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. at Spott, and at 11:30 a.m. at Belhaven, although there are no services at Spott on the 2nd Sunday of each month, and there are no services at Belhaven on the 5th Sunday of the month (in those months which have a 5th Sunday).


Whether you come along once or decide to join us regularly for worship, we hope you will find that we live up to our Mission Statement: Belhaven and Spott Parish Church is an inclusive, welcoming family. We seek through the love of God to help all people grow in faith and service, worshiping God and living out the Gospel as part of the community. Join us as we explore our relationship with God, and seek to understand our role as stewards of the world around us.

For detailed Google Maps location information for both churches, click here for Belhaven, and click here for Spott.

Be sure to also check out our Facebook page, particularly - but not exclusively - for news, recaps and photos regarding our exciting Messy Church and Breakfast Church initiatives (as detailed on the What's On page of this website).